Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Monday, January 22, 2007

Performance Management Survey Forms For Members Are Now Ready For You To Complete:

The NTA's survey form, for Members to provide the Association with infomation, is now available. A copy should have reached you by post. If it is more convenient, we have arranged for copies to be available to download from our website. Use the link on the "Home" page. You can email the copy back to us, rather than post it, if you prefer. Our email address is the postal address is NTA Office, Credon Centre, Kirton Road, London E13 9BT

Survey Of NTA Representatives Views And Experiences Of Performance Management:

The NTA's survey form for Representatives should now have reached you. Please spare the time to fill it in. If it is easier, a copy is available to download from our website. Click on the link, to be found on our website "Home" page. You can email it back to us at, or post it to The NTA Office, Credon Centre, Kirton Road, London, E13 9BT.

Best wishes,
Peter Smith