Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Saturday, October 28, 2006

NTA Committee Members To Receive Documents By Email In Future:

From now on Committee Members will receive documents via email addresses that have been created for them through our NTA website. It is hoped that this will reduce the Associations costs and economise on time previously spent printing and posting documents. Each email address is linked to the role played by the Committee Member within the NTA. In the past email communication was not practical as personal email addresses changed frequently, or the membership of the Committee changed.

Workplace Bullying: The NTA Takes An Active Interest In Your Experiences:

The NTA Committee is investigating the extent of workplace bullying. Your experiences are sought. Please follow the links to be found on the NTA's website on both the "HOME" page and the "NEWS" page. The working party has created an online form for you to report your experiences in confidence.

NUT Workload Campaign And Performance Management:

At the October 2006 special meeting the NUT Executive Committee agreed a balloting and communications strategy for the workload / performance management campaign and a timetable for the consultative ballot of members. The ballot would open on 20th November 2006 and would close on 11th December 2006.

Performance Management Guidelines:

This NUT Executive Committee also agreed a framework for the Union's guidelines on performance management. The NUT's 2001 model policy on performance management and classroom observation would provide the basis for the new guidelines.

"Executive News" Bulletins Now Available On The NTA Website:

We have created a link on the NTA website's "NEWS" page which will enable all members to read the latest "Executive News" bulletins. Please go to our "NEWS" page and try it out.

Best Wishes,
Peter Smith