Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Monday, November 27, 2006

From Newham Teachers' Association Members' Newsletter.................

Workload - Your Say

The Ballot:
The ballot will include 2 questions: the first concerns the Union's workload guidelines; the second asks members whether they would be prepare to take industrial action in the event that their endeavours within their schools have been unsuccessful.
Along with the ballot paper, each member will receive a leaflet which explains and summaries the Union's workload guidelines. There will be a Reply Paid envelope for the return of the completed ballot paper to the Independent Scrutineer.

Consultative Ballot Arrangements:
The ballot commences on 20 November 2006 and concludes at midday on 11 December 2006. NUT members should receive ballot papers by 23 November.
The ballot will include all members in England and Wales, including supply teachers and those centrally employed.

Telephone and Email Hotline
Ballot papers will be dispatched on 20 November. For NUT members who do not receive ballot papers a Telephone Hotline will be open from 24 November to 5 December 09h00 to 17h15.
The Hotline number is 0207 380 6300

Please have ready your details including:
Membership number OR
Postcode of your home/school
Any recent changes of address, including details of former address

Members can request ballot papers by emailing ""

NUT General Secretary, Steve Sinnott, said:
"By responding positively to the Union's ballot members will strengthen significantly the Union's campaign for a better work/life balance and improved conditions for all. I urge you to vote "YES" to both questions."

NTA Divisional Secretary, Peter Smith, says:
"I call on all NTA members to VOTE "YES" and return their ballot papers so that the NTA can make clear to Newham Schools and the Local Authority its determination to bring about a significant reduction in members' workload and where necessary support members in taking industrial action to achieve this. Further this will enable the Association to work to ensure all schools adopt the Union's model Performance Management Policy."