Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Workload Campaign - Priorities:

Following the successful outcome of the NUT's workload ballot and the support given by members to the "Teachers' workload and working time" documents, the Union is now seeking to take the campaign forward.

The next stage is to identify the concerns of members and the issues to be raised, school by school.

The document "Identifying Priorites and Raising Concerns - A Checklist For NUT Representatives" provides a checklist to prioritise, with full Union support, workload problems in your school. It suggests how such discussions might be conducted. It relates section by section to the Guidelines document.

The checklist document gives advice about approaching management. It indicates the means through which the NUT will support members in resolving such problems or needs that may be identified.

The NUT suggests that Representatives should:
  • Post on the staff noticeboard NUT News 2, to inform your members
  • Call a meeting of members to identify issues and concerns
  • Use the checklist as a basis for discussion, referring as appropriate to the Union's booklet "Teachers' Workload and Working Time Policy - Guidelines for Representatives"
  • Invite members to identify their concerns about workload, working time and work-life balance and prioritise those issues they believe should be pursued further
  • Approach the representatives of other teachers' organisations, where members identify issues to determine whether they are shared
  • Where NUT members wish to pursue issues further, please follow the detailed guidance set out in the document "Identifying Priorities and Raising Concerns - A Checklist for NUT Representatives
Further advice or information about this campaign is available from your local association or division.

Throughout this campaign the Union has emphasised that reducing teachers' working hours, removing excessive and unnecessary workload and gaining a better work-life balance for teachers will be good for teachers, their families and the children in our schools.

With the support of the NUT, you and your colleagues can achieve those goals in your school.

The content of this posting on the blog is taken from the NUT'sLetter To NUT Representatives 16/01/07. All NUT Representatives should have had a copy. If you didn't, please report the matter.

Best wishes,
Peter Smith