Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Grievance Procedure For Use By NTA Members

The Grievance Procedure is a personnel policy owned by the employee and cannot be used by management.

The employee does not need permission to use it. It is for the employee to deal with a working relationship problem they are experiencing with a fellow colleague who is at the same or higher position in the staffing structure of a work place. If a member has concerns with a colleague they line manage they cannot use the grievance procedure to resolve those concerns and, if uncertain, should seek advice from a higher line manager (in a school the headteacher or deputy headteacher in the absence of the headteacher) as to which personnel procedure to use.

If there is a grievance between two employees, both being NUT members, then, with the agreement of the two NUT members, the NUT Code Of Conduct can be used instead of the grievance procedure thus enabling the issue to be resolved within the union and not within the school.

If a member wishes to access use of the Grievance Procedure or the Code Of Conduct they should seek advice from the Divisional Secretary (ACAS accredited and hence trained) before doing so.

Issues raised under these are confidential to those involved.

Please see the links on our NTA website "News" page, for both the Grievance Procedure document and the Code Of Practice document. The News page is available from the buttton on the left side of each web page. Close this window to bring up the website.

Best wishes,
Peter Smith

Monday, January 22, 2007

Performance Management Survey Forms For Members Are Now Ready For You To Complete:

The NTA's survey form, for Members to provide the Association with infomation, is now available. A copy should have reached you by post. If it is more convenient, we have arranged for copies to be available to download from our website. Use the link on the "Home" page. You can email the copy back to us, rather than post it, if you prefer. Our email address is the postal address is NTA Office, Credon Centre, Kirton Road, London E13 9BT

Survey Of NTA Representatives Views And Experiences Of Performance Management:

The NTA's survey form for Representatives should now have reached you. Please spare the time to fill it in. If it is easier, a copy is available to download from our website. Click on the link, to be found on our website "Home" page. You can email it back to us at, or post it to The NTA Office, Credon Centre, Kirton Road, London, E13 9BT.

Best wishes,
Peter Smith

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First....Happy New Year To All Members.

NTA Annual General Meeting

The NTA Annual General meeting takes place at INSEC on Tuesday 6th february 2007 from 4.30pm to 6.00pm.

The deadline for receipt of proposed rule changes to be considered by the AGM is Tuesday 16th february 2007.

The deadline for receipt of motions to be considered at the AGM is Tuesday 23rd January 2007.

Both deadlines are for the receipt of motions at the NTA Office. This meeting also receives annual reports of work, installs the President, Shaaron Kingston, and appoints scrutineers, under rule 10(a), to count the NTA 2007 Local Elections.

NUT Annual Conference Harrogate 2007 - Observer Credentials

If you wish to attend the NUT Annual Conference 2007 you must apply through the Association. If you require observer's credentials please let us know at the NTA Office by Tuesday 6th March 2007. The Conference is from Friday 6th April 2007 through to Tuesday 10th April 2007 at Harrogate.

Next NTA General meeting

This meeting will deal with amendments to 2007 Conference Motions, Report of the Executive Committee, Memoranda and Conference Standing Orders as well as ordinary motions. Motions to be published on the agenda paper must be with the NTA Office by Wednesday 31st January 2007 in order for the agendas to arrive in schools during the week starting Monday 5th February 2007 and, thus, give members at least 7 days notice. (The following week is half term.) Amendments to ordinary motions received by Monday 19th February 2007 can be copied in preparation for the meeting.

Performance Management and Classroom Observation

All members will receive a survey form at their home address with 24 questions regarding their experiences with performance management for the Academic Year 2005/2006 and this current Academic Year. The information gained from the returns will assist in local and school-by-school negotiations this term. Please make sure you complete and return your survey form.

All the best,
Peter Smith