Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Refugee Week Poetry Competition 2007 - Another Successful Year

NTA Representatives will by now have received their copy of the booklet containing the entries for the Refugee Week Poetry competition which supports the Association's campaign: "Children Of Asylum Seekers Are Welcome In Newham Schools". This represents the fifth annual competition for Newham pupils. Copies of the booklet have been sent to Newham MPs, Councillors and headteachers, amongst others.

We say thanks to Liesel Pillay, now at Ellen Wilkinson School, for the work she has done in this campaign as NTA Equal Opportunities Officer.

Peter Smith

Friday, December 07, 2007

Excellence For All In Newham

The Newham Local Authority has launched a consultation document with the above title promoting government policy for choice and diversity in education. Response deadline: Friday 18th January 2008.

You can go to our NTA Website News page for links to that document and related papers. You will also find a link for my initial response to the document.

Please access the documents and discuss the issues.

The views of NUT Groups need to be heard.

Peter Smith
Nominations for FOUR Outer London Seats on the NUT Executive Committee 2008 to 2010 & NUT 2008 Conference Business Committee

The NTA General Meeting on Tuesday 13th November 2007 was inquorate and the nominated candidates now go out to ballot of members. Please complete and return the ballot papers, which have been sent by post to all members, to have your say on who those four candidates should be.

Best wishes,
Peter Smith
Results of November 2007 NTA Members' Ballot

2225 ballot papers were sent out with 61 returns. One was spolit. There were 59 votes for submitting motions to NUT 2008 Conference and 1 against. There were 60 votes in favour of the motion (Restoration Of Negotiating Rights) and no votes against.

Peter Smith
NTA Annual General Meeting Tuesday 5th February 2008

Proposed rule changes must be with the NTA Office by Tuesday 14th January 2008 and motions by 22nd January 2008 to be placed on the agenda and considered at the meeting.

Peter Smith
Next NTA General Meeting Tuesday 22nd January 2008

Motions to appear on the agenda must be submitted to the NTA Office by Tuesday 8th January 2008.