Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Sunday, December 17, 2006

NTA Local Elections: Provisional Results

Your NTA Divisional Secretary for the year 2007 is Peter Smith.

Sharon Kingston will be our President for the year 2007.

The full provisional results are in the Members' Newsletter that has been distributed recently.

A big thank you to all the members who voted in these elections.

Annual General Meeting 2007:

The NTA Annual General Meeting will be on Tuesday 6th February 2007, when your new Committee will take up their posts.

Any proposed rule changes, for consideration by the Annual General Meeting, need to arrive at the NTA Office by Tuesday 16th January 2007.

Any motions to be considered at the AGM must be received at the NTA Office by Tuesday 23rd January 2007.

Reminder Of Next General Meeting:

The next General Meeting is on 23rd January. It will deal with the prioritorisation of 2007 Conference Motions. As usual, the General Meeting will consider ordinary motions submitted on time. The deadline is Wednesday 9th January at the NTA Office.

NUT Annual Conference Harrogate 2007:

The Conference is from Friday 6th April 2007 to Tuesday 10th April 2007.

If you wish to attend and observe the Conference you must apply through The Association.

If you require observer's credentials please let us know at the NTA Office by Tuesday 6th March 2007.

Reminder Re Membership Updates:

If you are moving on please update your membership record at Hamilton House. Phone 0845 300 1666.

Performance Management And Classroom Observations:

Next term sees the Union campaigning around performance management and classroom observations.

With this in mind, if there is no NUT Representative in your school please contact your 2006 President, Sue Giddens, by email:

The NTA Officers and Committee wish you all Seasons Greetings & A Happy New Year.
Peter Smith

Sunday, December 03, 2006

“Teachers' Workload and Working Time Policy”: Booklets

The NUT has issued booklets on “Teachers' Workload and Working Time Policy”. There is a Guidance Booklet for NUT Reps and a Summary Booklet for NUT Members. Both booklets should have reached the target audience but we have copies on our NTA website too, if you don't have printed copies and need to refer to the documents. Go to our NTA website “NEWS” page and click on the link.

Can you help?

I would be grateful for any information you may have about paragraph 46 in the Members' Summary and which paragraph it links to in the NUT Reps' Guidelines. Please contact me with any details you may have. The cross reference does not appear to be made.

All the best,

Peter Smith