Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

See NUT website to email a Lord.
Regards Pete

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The May Day Rally

The rally was a great success. The NTA banner was carried by Hank Roberts and myself, Peter Smith. It would be useful to have some volunteers to help with carrying the banner at future events. We are investigating the possibilities of using lighter poles as the present equipment is rather heavy, especially after the first few hundred yards. It has been a tradition for many years to get our banner to any significant Trade Union events.

Every Child Needs A Teacher

The campaign has caught the imagination of many schools and we have reports of the lesson plans (see website: being used successfully in local schools. Try them yourself and let us know.

"Children Of Asylum Seekers Are Welcome In Newham Schools" Competition

Our "Children of Asylum Seekers Are Welcome In Newham Schools" competition looks like it will be as successful this year as it has been in the past. Many thanks to the people involved, especially Wendy Tembe and Anne Claydon. If your school has not entered yet just contact Wendy:

wendyt @ essex . newham. sch . uk
Telephone: 020 8472 0322
Fax: 020 8417 0857

Bye for now,