Newham Teachers: Have I Got News For You

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hi there NTA Members,

Newham Teachers' Association is working for you all day, every day. Much of what we do is unseen by our members unless they have a current problem. We would like to keep you up to speed with what's happening but don't want to sink you under masses of paper. Our solution? Well, perhaps a blog could do the trick.

This is the start of a regular blog bringing news to you, our members. Please don't hesitate to send us comments. Your views are more than important....they are vital. They ensure that we represent your true opinions. They are also essential if we are to reflect your aspirations.

Local action on the government's Education White Paper:

I have written to all governors on behalf of the NTA. I have also written to my MP. Have you?

NUT Regional Action:

There is a meeting of all London School Representatives on 18th May 2006. If you are a Rep. have you made arrangements to attend?

May Day Rally:

Representatives from the NTA will attend the May Day Rally where the theme is opposing Anti Trade Union Laws. The rally is supported by the NUT and the TUC. Will you be attending too?

So what else is happening at present:

The recent campaign "Send My Friend To School" was a huge success. The next phase is "Every Child Needs A Teacher". Have you seen the video clips on the web? Have your classes seen it? View the clips at You can get resources for the campaign at that website too.

Best wishes,